Invitation: Xoriant Registration - Xoriant

Returning User?

If you had already registered previously, and were interrupted in the middle of an activity (due to a browser crash, or net failure) and would like to resume from where you left off, please login by clicking the "Login Again" button below. Use the same username and password as you used earlier. (You must use the username, not your email address to login.)

Login Again

If this is the first time you're coming to this site, fill in the details below.

This is the first screen of registration for Xoriant’s online test. Please fill in the required details. These are necessary for you to be considered for the online test.

This is just the first screen of the registration process. Please continue until you see a "registration complete" message

To get started, please provide the information below. Clicking on "Continue" will automatically create a login/password on this system for you. (We will not spam you. Your email address will only be used to communicate with you regarding this activity.)
Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.
Enter the same password as before, for verification.
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