Online Test for Frontend Engineer
Welcome to the online test for Frontend Engineer. Your answers for these questions will be used by the interviewer during the interview.
- Test Timing: You will be asked many objective questions and 1 programming question. We expect you to take about 1-1/2 to 2 hours in this test. Your time will start when you click on the "Start Activity" button below. Note: the last section (programming) will take a long time, so please try to finish the earlier sections as soon as possible.
- No skipping: You must answer all the questions in the order that they’re presented to you. You are not allowed to go back to a previous question to modify your answer, so please do not skip a question unless you are unable to answer it at all. There is no negative marking, so you should attempt all questions.
- Read Instructions Carefully: For the programming question, please read the question very carefully. And in case your answer is rejected by the system, please read the feedback (in red color) carefully. Not following instructions exactly is the most common cause of failure.
- IMPORTANT Note on Copying: DO NOT share your answers with anybody else. Our system is extremely good at detecting copied answers. If two answers from different users are found to have similarities, BOTH submissions will be disqualified. So, you can get disqualified for copying even if you wrote the original answer. Those who copy try various tricks to confuse our system, including changing a few things around, adding removing comments, changing variable names, changing the order of statements. Our program is good at catching all of this. The only safe method is to write the answer yourself, and to make sure that no one else gets a copy of your answer.
Good luck. Click on "Start this activity" (below) to get started.
This activity is available by invitation only. You do not have permission to work on it.